Oslo Snubs the Dalai Lama
Op-ed by ICT’s President Matteo Mecacci and ICT’s board member Ellen Bork, published by the Wall Street Journal on the Norwegian government’s refusal to meet with the Dalai Lama.
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・ International Campaign for TibetNews
Op-ed by ICT’s President Matteo Mecacci and ICT’s board member Ellen Bork, published by the Wall Street Journal on the Norwegian government’s refusal to meet with the Dalai Lama.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) urged the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights to review China’s policies on the right to housing, education and cultural life of Tibetan people ahead of China’s second review before the Committee.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
The International Campaign for Tibet condemns the illegal arrests of Tibetan and Belgian demonstrators by the Belgian police on April , 2014. Tibetans and Belgian supporters seeking to peacefully protest during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Bruges, Belgium were detained for hours, in one case partially strip-searched, and had Tibetan flags confiscated.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) commissioned an opinion poll to the French Institute of Public Opinion (IFOP) ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s first official visit to several European countries. The opinion poll showed that citizens in France and Germany give greater priority to their leaders raising Tibet and human rights with the Chinese leadership, than pushing for commercial contracts.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
Chinese Party Secretary and President Xi Jinping arrives in Europe on March 22 for his first visit to Europe as China’s leader after assuming full power a year ago in March 2013. After attending the Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague, President Xi will visit France and Germany and conclude his European tour in Belgium where he will meet with both EU leaders and Belgian authorities on March 31.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
On March 20, 2014 the UN Human Rights Council adopted China’s Universal Periodic Review Working Group report amid Chinese attempts to silence NGOs’ criticism and protests. The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) joined a statement of the the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), which China tried to block.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
China has responded to the United Nations review of its human rights record by rejecting most of the recommendations made specifically on Tibet by other member states of the Human Rights Council (UNHRC).
・ ICT and FIDHNews
The International Campaign for Tibet and the International Federation for Human Rights sent an open letter to EU leaders ahead of their upcoming meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Brussels, urging them to place human rights in China and Tibet at the core of their talks.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
The European Economic and Social Committee’s (EESC) President, Henri Malosse, was a special guest and speaker at the ceremony of the 55th anniversary of the Tibet uprising that took place on 10 March in Dharamsala (India).
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
On Monday, 10 March the Tibetan community in Belgium alongside with Tibet support groups will be leading a procession from the EU External Action Service to the Chinese embassy to commemorate the 55th anniversary of Tibetan national uprising day.
A newsletter providing concise information and perspectives on the political, economic and human rights situation in Tibet