Tibet, symbolism and the Czech Republic
Czech President Milos Zeman recently labelled pro-Tibet protestors “mentally ill” during a visit of the Chinese President to the Czech Republic. What does this say about Zeman and Czech society?
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・ Open DemocracyNews
Czech President Milos Zeman recently labelled pro-Tibet protestors “mentally ill” during a visit of the Chinese President to the Czech Republic. What does this say about Zeman and Czech society?
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
Tibetan Buddhist monk and former political prisoner Golog Jigme testified to the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights in March 2016 about his torture and imprisonment in Tibet and the need for the EU to challenge China’s oppressive policies.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
The international community has sent a strong message to China with unprecedented diplomatic action in recent weeks including the first collective statement at the U.N. Human Rights Council, a rare joint statement drawing attention to human rights abuses and a high-profile appearance by the Dalai Lama at an event with human rights defenders in Geneva.
・ European UnionNews
EU Statement at the 31th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council on 15 March 2016.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
The United States and 11 other countries including 7 EU Member States have issued an historic joint statement condemning China’s human rights record at the 31st session of the UN Human Rights Council on Thursday 10 March.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
The International Campaign for Tibet welcomed reports about concerns voiced by the United States, the EU, Germany, Japan and Canada with regard to sweeping new and planned security laws in the People’s Republic of China.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
Last week, Tibetans across Tibet marked the last day of an important religious festival, gathering in the thousands at monasteries despite the deployment of large numbers of uniformed and plainclothes paramilitary police. Meanwhile, the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) closes to foreigners until the end of March, an annual lockdown coinciding with the March 10 anniversary of the Tibetan Uprising in 1959.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
New systematic and long-term security measures are being rolled out in the eastern Tibetan areas of Kham and Amdo as part of an intensified control agenda set at the highest levels in Beijing and in line with a ‘counter-terror’ campaign.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
Following an outcry on social media, the local authorities in Rebkong (Chinese: Tongren), Tibet, have closed down a Chinese hotel after management threatened staff with a large fine if they spoke Tibetan.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
China has passed its first counter-terror law, rejecting concerns from international governments that draconian measures in the name of national security are being used to crack down on Tibetans, Uyghurs and Chinese civil society and to undermine religious freedom.
A newsletter providing concise information and perspectives on the political, economic and human rights situation in Tibet