Rights groups raise China’s systematic human rights violations in Tibet at UN Human Rights Council
China’s ongoing, systematic human rights violations in Tibet have again been raised at the current session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
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・ International Campaign for TibetNews
China’s ongoing, systematic human rights violations in Tibet have again been raised at the current session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
China’s response to a United Nations review of the country’s human rights record represents a blatant denial of the human rights crisis in Tibet and other regions, the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) said today.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
The International Campaign for Tibet is among several NGOS that sent a letter to the UN Human Rights Council urging it to pass a resolution at its upcoming session addressing China’s human rights abuses.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
The Chinese government aggressively denied its human rights violations during today’s Universal Periodic Review of its record at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
As the Chinese government is scrutinized at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva this week, the international community needs to challenge China’s appalling human rights record and prevent it from becoming the new normal, the International Campaign for Tibet said today.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
United Nations experts on racial discrimination today urged the Chinese government to review policies and laws that discriminate against Tibetans, Uyghurs and Mongols.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
On 13 August at the United Nations Committee to Eliminate Racial Discrimination, the Chinese government flatly denied its human rights violations in Tibet and other areas of the People’s Republic of China, instead painting a rosy picture of personal freedoms that left the body of independent human rights experts in disbelief.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
On 7 August 2018, ICT Germany’s Executive Director Kai Müller delivered a statement at the UN Committee to Eliminate Racial Discrimination (CERD) session in Geneva.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
The United Nations committee that fights racism should press China to abolish laws and policies that discriminate against Tibetans, the International Campaign for Tibet said ahead of the Chinese government’s presentation to the committee on August 10.
・ International Campaign for TibetNews
On June 26, ICT President Matteo Mecacci attended the meeting between the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Al Hussein and ICT Chairman of the Board, Richard Gere, in Geneva, where the human rights situation inside Tibet was discussed. Following that, Matteo Mecacci was in Brussels on June 27 and 28 to meet with representatives from different national and European Institutions.
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