March 15, 2018 marks the 30th year of the International Campaign for Tibet’s service to the Tibetan people and we are marking the occasion releasing a strong message of support from His Holiness the Dalai Lama providing us with a roadmap on our future direction. On this occasion, we launch a new logo that encapsulates our past work as well as our preparation for future challenges.
In March 1988, the International Campaign for Tibet was established in Washington, D.C. to support the Tibetan people and the vision of H.H. the Dalai Lama. For us the 30th anniversary is not a celebration but a time to honor the dedication and support shown to the people of Tibet and His Holiness the Dalai Lama through the dedication of our membership, Members of Congress, successive U.S. administrations and friends from all over the world.
Since its establishment, ICT has made significant achievements in our effort to champion the human rights and democratic freedom of the Tibetan people. The ICT community, now over 100,000 strong and spread across the United States and Europe, is a vibrant collection of individuals who are not only an effective support base for the people of Tibet, but also a powerful voice for resolving conflicts through dialogue instead of violence. Having started from one office in Washington, D.C. in 1988, today we have offices also in Amsterdam, Berlin and Brussels.
ICT is proud to be a leader in the Tibetan movement, empowering our members and others everywhere to support Tibetans in their struggle for human rights and self-determination.
The International Campaign for Tibet is committed to ensuring the fundamental rights of all Tibetans, to defending their unique culture and to the realization of their right to self-determination.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s video message
ICT is privileged to receive a special video message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama on our 30th anniversary in which he outlined his hope for our organization in the coming years. Below is a slightly edited transcript of the video message.
The New ICT Logo

In order for the International Campaign for Tibet to be able to meet the challenges of today and for the future, which are, and will be, much different from those that we faced in the past, we set about a process of refining and defining the ICT brand. The process included modernizing our communication platforms to create a movement and capture a millennial audience.
Accordingly, we reached out to the New York based consultancy firm, Opperman Weiss, and it offered pro bono support in the concretization of the idea. After an intensive consultation with us, they detailed the ICT brand and outlined our identity, including a common style for all our communication products. One of the outcomes is a new ICT logo.
The new ICT logo is a fresh and modern take on the existing flame and word mark. With a redrawn flame icon, new typeface, and simple graphic approach – the new logo symbolizes the skillful action of compassion. Visually, the new logo has a redrawn, more fluid flame; a clear and concise display of typography; and a modern typeface with playful serifs that mimic the ornamentation of Tibetan artwork.
Transcript of the Video Message by His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Firstly, I want to express my deep appreciation. Your organization has been, for 30 years, showing genuine support for Tibetan cause. I always describe that the supporter of Tibetan cause is not pro-Tibetan, but rather pro-justice. So your work also, you see, [provide] some sort of help in China proper, to people who are passing through difficult life.
Then regarding Tibetan cause, I think obviously you know we are not seeking independence. Past history is something different. According to many scholars, they say that during the seventh century, eighth century, ninth century, there were three empires: Chinese empire, Tibetan empire, and Mongol empire. Some Chinese scholars say that according to Chinese historian’s books, since Tang dynasty till Manchu dynasty, they never mentioned Tibet as part of China. But, past is past.
I always, you see, admire the spirit of European Union. Think common interest more important rather than one’s own national interest. That is, I think, new thinking, which is very much realistic approach in today’s world.
I often express that something like the European Union spirit should develop in Africa, Africa Union, Latin American Union, so on. With that kind of concept, I am very much willing to remain within the People’s Republic of China. The Chinese word, gongheguo, shows that some kind of union is there. So we are different people, historically different people, with different culture, different language, but we can live side by side, happily as human brothers and sisters.
So now, since 1974 we decided not to seek independence. So now Middle Way Approach, many including United States Government — particularly Obama after our meeting — he made a press release officially supporting that. And then, many countries have been supporting that.
Then, because we are not seeking independence, separation, a number of Chinese who know our thinking, you see, happily support us. So now time has come. Among the Chinese hardliners, in their mind, it seems some kind of dilemma is there about their present policy; whether, you see, it can solve Tibetan problem or not. So in such period, worldwide voice, concern about Tibet, is very relevant. You know, those hardliners, in late 50s and 60s, they have the feeling, almost like belief, to use Chinese military forces to see if the Tibetan issue can be eliminated, can be solved. Now nearly 60 years passed, Tibetan issue, you see, has not gone away.
Inside Tibet also, you see, their spirit is very, very strong. And outside Tibet, in free world, wherever Tibetans live, Tibetan spirit is very strong. Similarly, now more and more people, including many Chinese, now showing appreciation about ancient Tibetan knowledge; our knowledge come from India, Nalanda Institution. So now, even scientists are also showing interest.
So therefore living within the People’s Republic of China, we can serve, we can help them, and we can share our knowledge. They in turn provide us means of dollars. So now, your organization, international organization, please [undertake] still more action or more activities, in different parts of the world, different continent. I think raise awareness of Tibet issue, not only just human rights issue, but culture, too.
And may I say so. As far as Nalandala tradition is concerned, Tibetan knowledge is the best knowledge to make contribution for Buddhists. Then, for non-Buddhists as human brothers and sisters, there is psychology and logic. I usually describe these as being academic subjects. Although the information come from Buddhist text, but itself, subject itself, is academic subject. Like I usually talk about the hygiene of physical, which we usually learn and teach. So similarly, we need hygiene of emotion in order to become a happy person with peaceful mind.
Therefore, the preservation of Tibetan culture, Tibetan knowledge is something not only ancient one, but also very relevant to today’s world.
So your organization very, very helpful. Now still don’t just concentrate on human rights, or some other things, but look at the wider picture of Tibetan issue. I would like you to carry on these.
Thank you very much.