Dialogue between Tibet and China
In connection with the resumption of negotiations between representatives of the Dalai Lama and China, the Foreign Minister states:
“I am very satisfied that the negotiations between representatives of the Dalai Lama and China have now been resumed after a 15 months break. I therefore again call on both parties to engage constructively in the negotiations and hope that the dialogue will be carried through to a result which ensures that Tibetans attain genuine self-rule, with cultural and religious freedom and respect for human rights within the framework of the Chinese constitution. Dialogue is the only way forward to a peaceful solution to the question of Tibet.”
Dialog mellem Tibet og Kina
I forbindelse med genoptagelsen af forhandlinger mellem repræsentanter for Dalai Lama og Kina udtaler udenrigsminister Per Stig Møller:
“Jeg er meget tilfreds med at forhandlingerne mellem repræsentanter for Dalai Lama og Kina nu er blevet genoptaget efter 15 måneders pause. Jeg opfordrer derfor igen begge parter til at engagere sig konstruktivt i forhandlinger og håber at dialogen føres igennem til et resultat, der sikrer at tibetanerne opnår reelt selvstyre med kulturel og religiøs frihed og respekt for menneskerettighederne inden for
løsning på Tibet-spørgsmålet.”